Collection Of 10 Ways To Make Money From Website In 2021

Collection Of 10 Ways To Make Money From Website In 2021

In the 4.0 era, the Internet became an integral part of our lives. People use the Internet to sell products online, to make money advertising… it is no stranger. However, do you believe that a website is also a tool for you to make money in the long run or not? If you do not believe me, let me find out how to make money from the website below.

Make Money From Website Difficult Or Easy?

To say that making money on a website is easy is not wrong. However, given that making money on the website is difficult, it is also reasonable.

Depending on the rate of return and the type you see, you can feel how difficult or easy it is. Therefore, this article is aggregated from many different perspectives. Standing on the most general aspect, it can not be asserted to readers that making money from a website is difficult or easy.

For example: when you have a clothing store with a steady flow of customers, you set up a website to sell and build brands.

With the number of customers available, your website quickly becomes a popular purchase channel thanks to online sales features. How to make money from this website is so simple!

However, if you have a brand-new website. You want them to become famous websites/blogs to receive lots of advertising projects.

This way is not impossible. But before you want your website to become valuable, you need to use a lot of effort, time, and money invested (such as web design costs, domain costs, and hosting…).

After creating a buzz, many people are interested in that site can be used to make money.

Actually saying making money on a website is difficult is not necessarily true. Perhaps they need more time and patience than other ways to make money. Depending on the purpose and your desire, the difficulty level is also very different.

Please refer to the 10 ways to make money from the website below, maybe finding a way to make money is easy for you.

Some Ways To Make Money From Website

Selling Products On The Website

If you’re selling a product or service, changing from traditional sales to selling on the Internet is something you should think about and do right away when things are still very good.

Depending on the type of product/service you can choose appropriate sales channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram… However, when Facebook advertising is becoming too expensive.

The solution of multi-channel sales is the plan that many shops are currently deploying and selling with the Website as an extremely effective plan.

There are currently 2 ways to sell online with the most applicable website:

[+]   Selling with e-commerce websites like eBay, Amazon, Etsy…

[+]   Create and design your own sales website to build your brand and attract customers through SEO, Google Ads, etc. And for specific products, building a Sale Page (a landing page for sales) is a great success. an extremely effective tool with a much higher customer conversion rate than conventional ways.

If you have already or haven’t sold on eBay, Amazon, or Etsy… take advantage of this sales channel as much as possible.

Creating a website that sells products is something you should prioritize development to build a brand and reach customers. Many brands and businesses have achieved more than what they want and grown sustainably with a website.

If you can create your own sales website, that’s great! However, if you are not good at it, you can choose sales website templates to quickly own a website for a low price.

These website templates can be completely customized according to your brand and product. helped you create a very professional sales website.

Make Money From Personal Websites/Quality Blogs (Make Money From Advertising)

When you have good writing ability, the ability to build content, and love the words soaring. Then you can start earning money by building a quality blog.

If you choose the right topic to convey useful messages. Going in the right direction and having foresight, blogging not only stopped making enough money to eat but also became a big media channel, enough to set up a company.

The Linkedin website is an example. Initially, this was just a blog to share knowledge and online documents for users. Due to their usefulness, many people gradually interested, and now Linkedin is considered a miniature copy of Google.

As soon as your channel has a stable amount of followers, and greatly influences the community, the ads unit will quickly find you.

However, to have your website/blog become quality, you must choose the right field that you love and have in-depth knowledge about them.

Making Affiliate Website

Making money from affiliate marketing sounds confusing but actually very simple. Once you have a website and a stable amount of traffic, you can fully receive affiliate marketing to receive commissions.

How an affiliate site works is based on how you link from your website to your sales website. When the sale to readers comes from your website, you will receive a discount for this referral.

Usually, affiliate marketing products are related to the host website.

For example: a website/blog about beauty and make-up will market products such as cosmetics, and spas… When the article is mentioned, you can attach the product link so that users can access the marketing link to refer to the product or purchase.

This is not a way to generate too much revenue. But if you do well, just discounting is also a stable income, without investment costs.

Making Rental Places To Place Advertising Banners Through Google

Have you ever seen banner ads at least once when visiting websites on Google? Maybe they will cause discomfort to users because it’s annoying and unnecessary. But also they can show us the products that we are needed.

If we click on the banner ad, immediately the website you are visiting will receive money in turn Click. Just like that, the more banner ads show, the more clicks the website that rents the banner placement.

Sometimes, some advertisements are not related to the website you are visiting. Like you visit a cooking website but advertise animals products?

However, most of the advertising items related to the site you have been visiting may be something that has just been searched.


Because Google’s algorithms are so smart, they are capable of remembering and marketing ads to the right audience.

Sell Guest Post – Text Link

Selling Guest posts – text links is almost like affiliate marketing. Guest Post is compiled by the customer and posted on your website.

In that article, there is a full display of the author’s name and links from your website to the guest’s website. This is the type of backlink that SEOs often use.

Understand simply, if you rent banner ads to receive money from the clicks of the visitors. Here, instead of placing banners, you let your partner post on the website and use the backlink pointing to their own website and receive money for that post.

For posts with high traffic, you will be able to sell Text links (ie backlinks with keywords that the customer wants or put text links on the entire website at Footer or SlideBar). This is also possible with personal blogs.

This method is very simple, and does not require too much investment but requires you to know about SEO. Developing content for the website and choosing the direction of the field for the website is of great interest (technology, tips, beauty, etc.). However, the income from this source is not too large (usually only at the maintenance level for projects).

If your website has a traffic volume of about 1000 traffic/per month, you can also sell Guest posts. How to sell Guest Post you can join GestPost Groups on Facebook (these communities are also quite strong and large).

Collecting Users Who Want To Download Documents/Data

Online documents or copyrighted materials are always nearly impossible for the user. If your website is providing these materials for free then you are missing out on unique monetization opportunities.

You should regularly update more exclusive products, and useful data to build your website into a big money-making channel.

Create A Website To Sell Online Courses

Aiming at convenience and speed, online courses are gradually becoming the main training directions of English centers, dispensing centers, design teaching centers, marketing schools, programming schools… a hundred thousand courses.

The shortage of website vendors selling courses has made this market potential for those who are intending to make money from the website. There are not too many rivals, while customers are endless. What you need to do is create a website that is perfect to be competitive and sustainable.

If you are wondering, why don’t centers sell their courses on their own but have to visit websites dedicated to selling online courses?

The answer is that centers can sell their customers directly on their own websites, but this is more expensive than partnering with course sites.

Collecting Membership Fees On The Website

Making money from a website can also apply the way to charge those who own a website, blog sharing documents, experiences… useful. If you think this is so remote because no one is spending monthly fees to get involved, you’re probably wrong.

For example, the website – the leading free photo website today, earns millions of dollars every month from maintaining user accounts.

So there is no reason for you to free your knowledge or documents, especially if you already have a blog and invest in it. Please ask users to create an account and pay a monthly fee of a reasonable amount to be able to receive useful sharing from the blog.

Collecting Post Fees From Other People On The Website (Posting Recruitment Information, Enrolling Students…)

Collecting post fees from other people on your website is essentially the same as selling a Guest Post. You will receive direct money for each posted post. This means that, even if the guest article on the website has more or fewer hits, it does not affect the amount you receive.

The posts that customers usually see are recruitment information, enrollment information, and articles promoting products…

For each of you, writing will be charged by the number of days displaying the article on the website: 1 day, 1 week, 1 month… When a customer renews an article, you get the same fee as a new article.

Buy And Sell Websites

Surely you’ve heard the story of making money on Facebook by selling fan pages/groups of followers to make money. The same goes for websites.

You can sell them if your website has a stable amount of traffic, and SEO standards, and does not violate Google’s terms. If you have experience making optimal websites, this method is simple.

Thank you for reading!

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