Onpage SEO: 22 Onpage Optimization Standards 2020

Onpage SEO – If you are an SEOer, you also know that Google is constantly changing algorithms. This causes a lot of difficulties and requires SEO website people to constantly update far beyond their competitors.

And Google has focused more on SEO on-page and content than before.

The changes make your site constantly fluctuate! So what’s the most important thing right now?

It is updating the SEO optimization standards on-page “speed”.

In this article, I will not only introduce you to what is the definition of on-page SEO. Besides, there are 22 “on-speed” SEO standards that GTV has tested in over 70+ projects to guide on-page SEO for you.

The results have helped the website grow a lot in terms of keywords, traffic, and website…

Now let’s learn what is the concept of on-page SEO? and why SEO on-page is required, and How to check on-page SEO.

Onpage SEO: 22 Onpage Optimization Standards 2020

What is Onpage SEO?

Onpage SEO is a collection of methods to optimize the display factors right on the site to improve the ranking of the site on search engine results.

In contrast to Offpage SEO, Onpage SEO is the easiest and most effective way when you can control 100% of your results.

Why optimize Onpage SEO for posts?

To top the keywords on the search results board, writing content is not enough, you must ensure that the article is optimized for on-page SEO, and combined with some off-page techniques.

In addition, writing standard on-page SEO articles from the beginning will help you control the content, and better quality, which is easy to optimize later.

Basically, standard SEO articles need to meet SEO criteria for the title, meta description, H1, H2, and URL… Those criteria will be guided and explained in detail in the checklist of 21 factors affecting on-page SEO below.

Checklist 10 Onpage optimization standards that are top Google priority 2020

1/ Optimize URLs in Seo on-page

The URL is one of the biggest factors influencing Onpage SEO.

Remember, the shorter your URL, the higher the chances of getting to the top.

Put your key keyword (highest search volume) into the URL.

So a good on-page SEO standard URL needs 3 elements:

  • Contains main SEO keywords (with the most search volume).
  • Short but covers the whole idea (the top 1 URL usually has an average of 59 words).
  • Related to the article content.

Note: It is advisable to include multiple keywords with the same search intent into the same URL to be able to SEO multiple keywords at once.

2/ Optimize the title

If the title is well done and attractive enough, right search focus, they will click on the article. In terms of search engines like Google, optimizing the title will help crawl tools more quickly and accurately, thereby understanding the content of the article.

Speaking of this, you probably realize the importance of titles in SEO, right?

Previously, you could put a few keywords in the title alone was enough to increase your page rank chances. However, the Google giant has embraced this trick and proceeded to reduce the importance of inserting exact keywords in the title.

Some notes when making optimal title:

  • Each title is separated by | or –
  • The title should contain the keywords that need SEO on-page with the 2nd highest search volume (The keyword with the highest search volume will be in the URL)
  • The title must not contain 100% of the keywords contained in the URL.
  • Placing SEO keywords at the top of the title helps increase CTR & rankings.
  • The title should not be the same as Heading 1. You need to set the title with related keywords and the same keywords.
  • The title contains as many keywords as possible but has to be natural.

For example: for the keyword, “Genuine high-end wrist watches” you can top the keyword “wrist watches, high-end watches, wrist watches…”

In case you optimize onpage SEO for the homepage, the homepage needs to:

  • There is a brand name in the title.
  • The title must show the content of the entire domain and provide explicit support for the parent directories.

If your website is about e-commerce and offers air-conditioners and washing machines, then the homepage title should cover all the content you mention so that Google understands and crawls all the content faster.

3/ Heading 1 in onpage SEO

Google is a fan of relevance.

So, when optimizing heading 1, try to diversify, create relevance and target users as much as possible.

  • Heading 1 contains key related SEO keywords (has a lot of 3rd search volume)
  • Heading 1 covers the content of the article
  • There is only 1 heading and 1 tag. If you have any Heading 1 tags, it will confuse Google affecting the ranking of the article
  • Heading 1 must be different from the Title and URL and should be a different LSI keyword.

4/ Heading 2-3 in on-page SEO

In addition to optimizing heading 1, you need to focus on optimal headings 2-3 to help Google better understand your website content.

Some notes when optimizing headings 2-3:

  • In short, express the content of the next paragraph you are referring to
  • Deploy as many sub-headings as possible
  • The heading contains some related keywords or semantic keywords. Don’t get too crammed with keywords, make sure to prioritize briefly and present the content of the paragraph
  • Headings 2-3 strongly affect SEO and 4-6 do not affect much

For example, a content post about back pain on the Wikipedia page is clearly divided into: Classification, symptoms, causes, treatment… referring to any problem, and mention it.

5/ TOC (Table of Content)

TOC design really makes a difference: Good optimization of user experience.

When buying a book, sometimes you don’t read the whole book but look at the table of contents and the first title so you can quickly find the information you want. TOC plays a navigation role, helping readers go to the part they are looking for.

Google’s Hummingbird & Rankbrain algorithm loves TOC.

Alternatively, if you use WordPress you can use the TOC Plus Plugin.

6/ Number of words

You need to ensure the standard number of words in an article:

  • Articles must be at least 1300 words with major Onpage SEO.
  • Natural priority and can insert many semantic keywords.
  • For category pages, for optimal UX/UI use JavaScript (also write 500 words).

For example: https://shop.ccs.com/shoes is a very good ranking page about foreign footwear that you can refer to the product catalog.

7/ Bold the main keyword in the post

  • The main SEO keywords must be in bold in the article.
  • Primary keyword density 1-3%, evenly distributed at the beginning, H1, H2, body, and ending. In addition, spread sub-keywords/related words/synonyms to increase the relevance of ideas, forming a unified subject for the article.

Remember that whatever you do in the web SEO process should be a natural priority, don’t force yourself to cram all the keywords into the article. The best SEO method is to always think of the user.

8/ Length of the post

The length of the article is one of the quickest and easiest ways for Google to preliminarily evaluate whether your article is in-depth & user-oriented.

A number of proofs show that 1890 words will be the best number for a standard SEO article length.

Why is it 1890 words?

Jonah Berger proves that articles over 2000 words tend to be shared the most. Because of more in-depth content, the time users spend on the web and reading articles will be longer.

Of course, it cannot be said that a 400-word article is not capable of getting to the top higher than a 190-word article. Posts over 1890 words have a slight advantage over short articles.

9/ Semantic keyword

Semantic keywords are like creating content depth. Unlike the LSI keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing), Semantic keywords are keywords that help users and Google understand the context/topic of the article more.

Often you will start researching 10-20 semantic keywords and then insert them in the article to be optimized.

For example, you SEO keyword, Steve Jobs. Semantic Keyword words you can include:

  • Steve Jobs
  • Founder of Apple
  • Macintosh…

The semantic keywords will help users and Google understand the context better when it comes to Steve Jobs. You can add the CEO because this is the founder of Apple.

And the keyword “Steve Jobs” is also related to Apple, Pixar, and Walt Disney… Although you do not have the purpose of SEO keywords “Pixar” or “Walt Disney” the action of referring to these keywords will help Google draw vector links and join Entities between them.

Do not think that optimizing SEO articles about keywords Steve Jobs, the keyword density of Steve Jobs is 5%, so have to bold the keyword Steve Jobs and stuff this keyword into the article… Instead, as I share, optimize the semantic keywords.

10/ Photos

Not only optimize the keyword and the content of the article, but you also need to pay attention to optimizing the images posted on your website effectively by:

  • Name images that must be unsigned and accented – between words.
  • Optimize SEO tags for images.
  • The meta sections in the image must be filled out including (the title, subtitle, author, meta description…) or at least name the image before uploading.

In addition, you can optimize further by applying image SEO to the top of the search.

Because Googlebot does not recognize images, it can only read letters or characters. Therefore, adding text to images will help Google identify quickly, easily, and effectively.


  • Use alt text tags (insert semantic keywords or SEO keywords). Alt tags with full descriptions will help the image to the top of Google Images.
  • The first image should contain exact SEO keywords but also avoid inserting many keywords in the image.

Checklist 11 Advanced Onpage optimization standards by 2020

11/ Optimize meta description

Onpage SEO 22 Onpage Optimization Standards 2020

The meta description is a short description (less than 156 characters) that appears in search results, letting users know what your site is about before clicking.

At the present time, inserting keywords into Meta Description is not much interesting because it is not as effective as it used to be.

So instead of trying to stuff the keywords in this description, try to optimize for CTR, making the traffic to your website higher. From there, indirectly improve keyword rankings.

12/ Optimize readability

So What is Readability Onpage SEO?

Readability is the ability for readers to crawl your articles.

This is extremely important because it affects four factors:

  1. Bounce Rate.
  2. Dwell on time (time spent reading articles)
  3. Conversion rate.
  4. Feature Snippets. Yes! One of the most important and few-known factors is that when you optimize the Readability properly, you increase your chances of being in the top 0 (featured snippets) a lot more.

Why does it affect the 4 above factors?

Simply, when optimizing Readability, you will help users easily collect information. That leads to them staying to read the article longer.

Combined with internal linking, Readability will greatly reduce bounce rates and increase conversion rates.

13/ Optimize content depth

Google has a content reference framework to know which content is in-depth, useful for users, and which content is “bad”.

Specifically, in an article about back pain, it will mention:

  • What is back pain?
  • Signs of back pain
  • Reason
  • How to treat back pain

Those are sub-topics in a major topic of back pain.

Most of the keyword’s top posts have more content depth.

For example:

Taking another example of keyword research search engine optimization, you search on Google and find the top is referring to the following topics:

Top 1: What is SEO, what is the SEO profession, wonder when doing SEO, the use of SEO (short-term + long-term), why branding is important…
And Top 2: What is SEO, what is SEO profession, some mistakes about SEO…
Top 3: What is SEO, the advantages of SEO, the work of SEO, optimization methods…
Top 4: What is SEO, white hat SEO form, black hat SEO and gray hat SEO, what is SEO profession, benefits of SEO…

Example analysis

You can see the top 1 deals with the most topics. In addition, in the top 4 positions, the topic “What is SEO” is mentioned in all the top 4 positions and the topic “What is SEO” is in the top 1, 2, and 4.

So, “What is SEO” and “What is the SEO profession?” Is the content you need to mention in the content?

Google thinks that for content that wants to be at the top, “What is SEO” and “What is SEO profession” is the minimum you need to mention. So when creating SEO content, you need to mention these 2 topics. And the best is always to analyze the top 10 keywords on Google.

You can put all those topics together and arrange them from top to bottom according to the relevance and coherence of the article to create a better post.

In addition, you can go to Wikipedia and Udemy to search for new information.

Guide to optimizing the depth of content with Udemy

Udemy is a website that sells courses in English. With Udemy, you can know what readers want from its training.

Assuming you want to optimize the subject of photography, you visit Udemy, and search for the keyword “photography”.

Onpage SEO 22 Onpage Optimization Standards 2020

The page is proposing a course on how to take photos, with about 33,153 votes, 4.6 stars, and 169,070 learners. This proves to be a best-seller course, with compelling content.

You can also refer to Wikipedia and look at the table of contents for more interesting topics.

14/ Feature Snippet

First, you need to know what are the 2 most important factors influencing the top 0 positions:

#1. Prestigious website in that keyword set

One simple fact is that, for a certain range of keywords, the web ranking position is directly proportional to Google’s trust in the website. You can see below the chart that shows the Featured Snippets occurrence rate for each top.

Featured Snippets appear more often on the top websites

#2. Verified information

The accuracy of the information on the website is the second factor that directly affects the top 0 positions.

Google evaluates the accuracy of a website by comparing the textual information on the web with the data it collects at major sites around the world. If this information is identical/synonymous with data from major news sites, Google will know that information is true and correct.

But how does Google know what information users need to display in the top positions?

That’s when you need to enable Google to understand that it is the piece of information that users are looking for and google should get that text.

And all this is done through Readability.

#Tip: Optimize Readability

Onpage SEO 22 Onpage Optimization Standards 2020

Well, this is simple, if you have Yoast SEO, you just need to turn on the Readability section.

Then follow the Yoast SEO guide that is! You only need to optimize for it ok (Orange) rather than Good (green).

In addition, you can use features like blockquotes, tables, bullets, and points… and insert videos, design more video images, increase interaction with users and reduce bounce rates.

Here are some video insertion standards:

  • There is an illustrated video at the main SEO URLs
  • Width at 600 pixels
  • Videos and images are centered

15/ Internal link and Outbound link

A fully optimized article requires a combination of Internal Links and Outbound links.

Internal links help navigate users, helping Google collect data more easily.

In addition, it transmits the power between articles. As well as giving users more valuable information, thereby improving the SEO ranking of the website.

On the Outbound Link side, you will also want to link to another website.

These links help Google understand the topic of your website better. And also help you build relationships with other websites. More importantly, External links have a positive impact on SEO.

Specifically, it helps you increase your trust (Google’s trust) a lot of times.

16/ Improve page loading speed

In its mission to make the Internet more user-friendly, Google has included site loading speed as one of the factors in the algorithm to rank websites.

You can use the Google PageSpeed ​​Insights tool provided by Google. And follow the suggestions to improve website loading speed like:

  • Use file compression software like Gzip to reduce the size of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files with a capacity of> 150 bytes.
  • For image files, it is recommended to use specialized Photoshop software so as not to break images and affect quality.
  • Optimize code (remove spaces, commas, extra characters, extra code) to minimize CSS, JavaScript, and HTML and speed up page upload.
  • Limit redirects because each time the redirect, users have to wait a period of time to respond. Imagine if you redirect 3 times from A → B → C then each redirect so the page will load slower. Instead, redirect straight from A → C to shorten the time users wait!
  • Optimize images by minimizing image size, and using the right format (for example, graphics under 16 colors should use PNG while images are usually JPEG). And if you read this article carefully, you will know many other SEO image optimization tips because I mentioned this section in the previous 10 checklists.

17 / Website ensure Mobile-friendly

Onpage SEO 22 Onpage Optimization Standards 2020

As mobile device usage is on the rise, Google is starting to prioritize user experience on phones. And the design of a mobile-friendly website version has become a ranking factor.

If you build your website in the mobile version or use responsive themes, congratulations. You are on the right track!

Especially if you are implementing the Onpage SEO methods I mentioned above, you will gradually optimize your website on mobile devices. Especially the page loading speed.

However, I also added a few more things below to make sure that your website looks great on mobile.

# Consider deploying AMP

Onpage SEO 22 Onpage Optimization Standards 2020

When it comes to speed, having AMP is the best. Actually, the website you have AMP will not guarantee 100% higher rankings but it gives you an advantage over other conventional websites.

If other factors are good, AMP can help you top mobile search results. As a result, you will get more traffic to your website.

# Remove display as a registration form

Although the registration form on the website is a great way to increase the list of subscribers. But it is extremely annoying for users when they access the website by phone.

That’s why Google says it will start penalizing pages that display forms.

I recommend that you disable the display of the customer information collection form on mobile.

The X buttons to turn off pop-up ads are not the only annoyance. There are many other factors. Put yourself in the shoes of your users, and find ways to help them interact most easily on the website.

Onpage SEO 22 Onpage Optimization Standards 2020

18/301 Redirect

If you want to shorten the URL because it’s too long, you can use 301 redirects of old URLs to the new URL to avoid 404 content.

However, if your URL is long but your article has reached the top (from the top 3 and above) then I recommend not touching the URL too much.

Because when you change the URL, you will affect the website structure, confusing Google.

So be extra careful when changing URLs for older posts.

Onpage SEO 22 Onpage Optimization Standards 2020

19/ Age web

The age of the website may affect ranking results. The website has long received a number of backlinks pointing and has a certain power.

But I won’t mention the age here. Because it’s not something you can optimize.

I mean, Google has a preference for updated content and new content. Because this is the content of the website is updated with the latest information.

So what can you do to optimize it? The answer is to refresh the content

You can add new information, rewrite the introduction, and add new sections. Anything that streamlines and innovates old content. However, this change must be at least 400-500 words to be considered a major change.

20/ Social Share

Onpage SEO 22 Onpage Optimization Standards 2020

As you know, google has considered whether Social Share signals are a very good signal in the evaluation of a quality article or not.

A study by Cognitive SEO in 2016 showed that sharing on G+ currently has the strongest influence on social networks, followed by Facebook.

Therefore, when creating content, try to perform the creation of quality, detailed content. Especially encouraged users to share your article offline.

Reveal a little bit:
Quality content will be the way you impress customers. And also make them believe: They want to buy your product/service!
And this is one of the 4 core values ​​of the 4P model in Marketing.

21/404 and HTTPS

According to Ahrefs statistics in 2016, 80% of Google’s No.1 websites currently do not use HTTPS.

Onpage SEO 22 Onpage Optimization Standards 2020

But in 2014, the official Google announcement published HTTPS as an SEO signal in onpage SEO.

Specifically, on the last 18 and 19 of August 2017, Google Webmaster Tools also sent a series of notices. Notifications about Webmasters saying that HTTPS should be installed for sites that don’t have it installed.

At the same time, a lot of keyword fluctuations happened.

This is followed by an increase in the rank of HTTPS pages.

At this point, I have hypothesized that Google is seriously considering HTTPS. After switching to HTTPS, projects including GTV have also started returning to the top.

So please switch to HTTPS now!


Above are all 21 basic factors I hope you know about Onpage SEO Optimization!

Hopefully, the article will help you better understand what is SEO Onpage. As well as making it easier for you to optimize all content posted on the site. And achieve the best position on the search results.

Share this article if you like it.

Good luck!

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