SyndBuddy AI Review: Getting traffic from the Search Engines is Awesome, right?

SyndBuddy AI Review


With more and more people working from home these days, internet marketing is booming, literally, and newbie marketers who still spend time familiarizing themselves with this field must have been told to focus on the site ranking at least once.

But from my experience, it’s hard to work on the site ranking, on your own, with raw knowledge, and no experience. There is no fixed formula for this complicated ranking stuff as Google keeps changing its algorithm.

If this is what ruffles feathers, no worries, you are about to find a way out. In the last two weeks, I’ve been testing a new ranking tool called SyndBuddy AI. It turned out to work extremely effectively for my website and I think it’s time I introduced this to you, this is what you – my beloved readers need to build up your empire.

This review gives a detailed description of my experience with SyndBuddy AI so stay tuned and explore!

SyndBuddy AI Review- The product overview



Joshua Zamora et al.

Product name

SyndBuddy AI

Front-end price

$34.95 – $35.95 – $36.95 (one-time payment)

Front-end discount

Choose the coupon below in the “Price” section 👇

Sales page >>>Click here to read more
All-in-one SyndBuddy AI bundle YES, Massive Discount!  Included FE + All upsells + All Bonuses + Premium Support + Full Refund Policy
SyndBuddy AI bundle sales page

>>>Click here to access the bundle page

The SyndBuddy AI bundle price $297 – $407



Yes, Huge Bonuses from the creator team and my HudaReview team, check them at the end of the SyndBuddy AI review


30-day money-back guarantee


Vendor support:

HudaReview support: mailto [email protected]

What is this product?

SyndBuddy AI is a web app that supports the Social Syndication System. This is pretty much the next layer to their social syndication platforms and takes things to the next level.

The software is 100%, done-for-you since SyndBuddy army does all the work for you. All you have to do is submit your URL and keywords.

SyndBuddy AI is a credit-based launch just like 1.0. Regular 1.0 customers will have to pay for their upgrade (at a discount) to access these new features and get more credits.


About The Creator- Joshua Zamora et al


Joshua Zamora is well-known for affiliate marketing and selling his own software and training programs. The majority of his income is online is generated via different channels including list building, video marketing, and selling his products.

It’s his great expertise and years of experience that allows him to release amazing software and useful training of all time. His notable products are SyndTrio, DFY Suite 2.0, My Traffic Jacker 2.0, MyTrafficJacker, DropBlogr, Sendio 2.0, Sociible, DFY Chief 2.0, X Ranker 360 2.0, and many more.

He is no doubt a reliable vendor and his products are out of this world. In the next part of this review, I’m going to mention the features that you will get for purchasing this product.

SyndBuddy review- Feature details

Within minutes of getting access, you will get:

♣    Real Social Bookmarks

Social Bookmarks are one of the most powerful types of syndication you can employ in your rankings campaigns.

Bookmarking your site on your account is already powerful enough. But when you have an ARMY of people bookmarking your URLs on their accounts as well, that just puts your campaigns on Steroids.

You’ll be getting bookmarks from Authority sites like Diigo, Plurk, KiwiBox, Medium, SkyRock, and many many more.


♣   Real Web 2.0 Syndication

If getting all of the above-mentioned social interaction on your URLs hasn’t excited you enough, there’s still more!

You’ll also be able to get an army of people posting your content and linking to your sites from all the top Web 2.0 sites like, Tumblr, Blogger, Instapaper, Joomla, AND many, many more.

It’s like having access to a powerful Web 2.0 private blog network!


♣   Real Video Embeds

We all know how powerful syndicating your YouTube videos is, right?

It’s one of the most powerful ways to rank #1. However, when you add video embedding to the mix, it takes things to a whole other level. And when you add other people embedding your videos on their blogs, that’s when things take off.

As part of their Web 2.0 syndication, they’ve also added the option for you to include a video for them to embed as well!


♣   Real Twitter Tweets

Sharing is key to ranking and organic growth. And we’ve all heard about the power of Twitter when it comes to getting social syndication and backlinks.

Now you can get tons of real Tweets from an army of people, which will affect your social presence immediately and I think you guessed it: your rankings increase!


♣   Real Facebook Likes And Shares

Most people don’t know about Google’s social algorithm. It places a lot of weight on social media shares when it comes to rankings.

When you get hundreds of these shares quickly, you’ll get hordes of views with more ease than you ever imagined.


♣   Real Video Views

SyndBuddy also comes built-in with some powerful video boosting features.

You’ll be able to get real views of your videos from people all over the world, logged in to multiple different accounts, all on different IP addresses.

You’ll have an army of people just waiting to watch your videos and give them the boost they need.

♣   Step-By-Step Training

Get full training on how to use SyndBuddy’s simple dashboard – even an 8-year-old can run it. The training comes in a step-by-step video form. It will take you under 60 seconds to create a new campaign.

Plus, they will be giving you access to multiple live sessions to provide as much training as possible and answer any questions.

♣   World Class Customer Support

They have a support team dedicated to answering your questions and helping you use SyndBuddy to its fullest potential. Just e-mail at any time and you’ll get a fast, thoughtful response dedicated to you.

♣   Full Reporting Of Your Campaigns

Not only will you be able to get a ton of shares, likes, bookmarks, and syndication, but they’ve also built-in a very powerful reporting system so you’ll be able to see exactly the kind of social signals you’re getting, and for social shares, you’ll be able to see exact URLs of where your content is being posted.


♣   Weekly Email Updates Of Your Syndications

This software will even email you a summary every week of all the syndication that has happened for your campaigns!

Moreover, you will get all the bonuses below from the author team in this special launch:


Understanding the software better

First of all, I would like to show you more about the SyndBuddy credit system is easy and effective.

  • 3 credits = 1 Facebook “Share” from another SyndBuddy member.
  • 3 credits = 1 Tweet from another SyndBuddy member.
  • 1 credit = 1 Social Bookmark from another SyndBuddy member (we have over 10 bookmarking sites).
  • 1 credit = 1 Web 2.0 Syndication from another SyndBuddy member.
  • 1 credit = 1 real view from another SyndBuddy member (you decide how long they must watch).
  • 2 credits = 1 Facebook “Like” from another SyndBuddy member.

Secondly, here is what happened to the 1.0 user. As the software works on a credit-based system, you are required to buy more credits to work on more campaigns (that’s obvious).

But if you already have an active, recurring subscription from the 1.0 launch, you’ll be sent into this new update at no extra charge.

From my experience, I find the ranking problem not only easy to use but also strong enough to get rid of the ranking issue.

To be honest, don’t expect the software to push your posts to the 1st page of the search engine at once, the process takes time. But please be reassured that the software can land your websites in the first ten pages of a Google search.


About using details

How to deploy it?

Step 1: Log In

Enter your registered email to log in to the system.


Once you successfully get a login, you will get access to the main dashboard like this seen below:

Step 2: Create a New Social Signal Campaign

Click on the “Social Signal” section, and choose “My campaign” to view all of your created campaigns.

Then, click on the “+ Social Signal Campaign” to start creating a new one.


Next, you need to adjust some information to create your new campaign



Step 3: Create a New Social Share Campaign

Click on the “Social Shares” section, choose “My campaign” and click on “+ Social Share Campaign” to start creating a new one.


Then, add some information like this seen below:


And what is new in this 2.0 version?

You can select the category/niche to generate content for and click on the “Generate” button.


Within just two clicks, you can generate as much relevant content as you need.

Content for your Blog:


Content for your Social Media post such as Facebook, Instagram, etc:


And content for your Bookmark:


Especially, if you have a Syndlab account, click on the box “Add to Syndlab” and this software will automatically send it to your Syndlab. So that you can share this campaign on your social platforms as well.

Next, click on “Submit Campaign” to save your settings and finish creating a new campaign:


Now, back to the “My campaign” dashboard of the “Social Shares” section. Here, you can view, edit, or delete your created campaigns:


Click on the “View” icon to view the full reporting of your syndications so that you can do further indexing or you can provide reports to your targeted clients.


Next, click on the “Account” section and you can view all the created accounts that you have added to your SyndBuddy account to distribute content to.

Please note this list is shared with your Syndlab account (if you have one) so any changes made here will also be reflected there.


For more details, please watch the video below:

SyndBuddy AI Demo Video

Price and Evaluation

Front-end: SyndBuddy AI FE

There are 3 versions for you to choose from:

  • Lite Package: $35.95
  • Fully-Loaded Package: $34.95
  • Plus Package: $36.95




However, I strongly recommend ProAgency because it gets you the most credits out of the gate and you can use it for your client campaigns as well. This could result in page-one rankings just minutes from now with no work at all on your part for yourself OR your clients.

Whichever package you want – it’s important to act right now, while monthly fees are waived. Please grab your SyndBuddy AI license right now – during the grand opening period – and pay NO monthly fees.

Right now, one low investment gets you unrestricted access and you’ll be able to earn an unlimited amount of credits.

After the grand opening expires, monthly pricing will come into effect.

The Pricing and Coupon Schedule:

6-hour Early-Bird at $33 then FAST rising dime sale kicks in for
The next 30 hours 

Then on the 10th at 23:59:59 (i.e 11th at 00:00:00):

  • The price goes up by $10.
  • Coupon code to get a $5 discount sb5off”.

At 23:59 on May 12th (13th at midnight (00:00:00):

  • The price goes up by $10 again.
  • Coupon code to get a $7 discount sb7off”.

The final day of the 13th:

  • ALL Bonuses expire.
  • Coupon code “FINALSB” expires.
  • The price goes to $67 at midnight.


The all-in-one SyndBuddy AI bundle offer

Price: $297 – $407

This is the special offer that the creator team provides in this launch. With this all-in-one SyndBuddy AI Bundle offer, you can get all products (FE + Upsells) at a great discounted price.

There are two options for you to choose from:


Use Coupon Code “LIVE2” For $50 Off!



Use Coupon Code “LIVE” For $150 Off!



The Upsells/OTOs

In addition to the FE, you can enjoy more top-notch features with these upgrades:

Upgrade #1: SyndBuddy AI AGENCY+

Price: $1 Trial for 30 days then $47/month


Here you’ll have the ability to lock in the discounted rate you just got and ensure you have credits every single month. If you wait till later, credits will be a LOT more expensive.

Upgrade #2: DFY Indexer Platform

Price: $67 (one-time payment)


Here you will be able to supercharge your campaigns by unlocking our DFY Indexer system so that your campaigns get put through our Backlinks Indexer account so that your syndication carries a MUCH stronger punch.

Every SEO marketer knows the power of getting links indexed. The more of your syndication that Google can be aware of, the stronger your campaigns will be.

Upgrade #3: MyVideoSpy PRO

Price: $47 (one-time payment)


MyVideoSpy is our powerful platform that allows you to uncover untapped niches, analyze your competitors, accurately gauge how much traffic you can get from your target niches, and much much more!

It’s the perfect fit so you can complete the entire Page-1 traffic circle.

Upgrade #4: SYNDLAB

Price: $47/month


Is the Bigger brother of SyndBuddy, which is SyndLab. SyndBuddy was built off of the platform that SyndLab was built on.

SyndLab allows you to share your content on your networks and SyndBuddy allows you to leverage the exchange to get shares from OTHER people’s accounts.

It’s the BEST Social Syndication combination. And they’re both already integrated.

Upgrade #5: VIDEO CHIEF

Price: $37 (one-time payment)


Video Chief is the membership site of over 1200 done-for-you videos that you can use right away to start securing page 1 video rankings. They’ll be removing the need for you to create videos by doing it for you as well!

With this upsell, they cover all the bases! Syndication, niche research, and video creation.


Who should buy this?

SyndBuddy AI has been built to work for anything you’re looking to do online. Here are a few types of businesses that I recommend taking SyndBuddy:

  • Website owners
  • Local marketing
  • Affiliate marketing
  • CPA marketing
  • eCommerce

Any business in which you need to be targeted traffic.

SyndBuddy AI review- Pros and cons


  • 100% done for your social syndication.
  • Get ranking fast and for the long term.
  • No software to download or familiarize.
  • No captchas or proxies to deal with.
  • Auto share feature.
  • Automated content generation.
  • 30-day money-back guarantee.


  • Up to now, there are not any.


You never have to create any content yourself again or spend a lot of money on SEO tools to rank higher on search engines again once you have SyndBuddy AI in your toolkit.

There is nothing to worry about getting no traffic to your site! Make sure you hit the button buy now and get your business a stable source of profit that it’s hungry for!

Don’t worry about any technical problems, they always have a technical support team in case you need it.

Also, if they can’t solve your problems, the 30-day money-back guarantee is here for you!

Besides, if you buy this product through my link, you can also get these huge bonuses below (Please remember that these bonuses are not for the TRIAL or FREE versions):














Brand-new Special Bonus Package


Step 1: Buy SyndBuddy AI on my website by clicking the button below:


Choose the best coupon above in the “Price” Section.

Or do you want to check the SyndBuddy AI Bundle offer?

>>>Click here to access the SyndBuddy AI Bundle Offer<<<

Step 2After completing the transaction, forward the receipt to my email at [email protected]

Final Step 3: You will receive the bonuses within 24 hours.

Thank you so much again for reading my SyndBuddy AI review to the end.

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