How To Fix Server Response Time

How To Fix Server Response Time


Reducing server response time is an important factor in thoroughly overcoming the situation that websites take too long to respond to, improving website speed and server performance. Let’s find out more details right here in this article.

The larger the web server’s response time, the slower the page will load. Page Speed ​​always expects a quick response to resource requests from the server to ensure the fastest page load time. For each resource request, your server needs to start sending the first data byte of the resource within the first 200 ms of the request being sent.

What Is Server Response Time Reduction?

What Is The Server Response Time?

Server response time is the amount of time it takes to load a website’s HTML document from the server until it is displayed to the visitor. If the server response time is too long and not optimized, the HTML documents will definitely take longer to download.

If the HTML document is not loaded, it means that the browser won’t know what other resources will be requested. As a result, the browser has difficulty rendering the page properly.

A server’s response time is usually measured in a period called “Time to First Byte, or TTFB for short”.

When you run some speed tests, you can see a slight change in the number of TTFBs. However, this number will not change the difference too much. This slight variation may be caused by factors affecting latency.

But if the difference is significant, it’s not as “mild” as it should be. Maybe your website is having a more serious problem and it’s beyond performance issues or lags or response times…


For Example

Let’s look at a specific example of a server response time:

Let’s say your API client is in India and the server is located in Singapore.

The limit of the theoretical delay, which is the speed of light, is: 3 ∗ 10^5km/s

Distance between India and Singapore: 6000km

Speed ​​of light in fiber: 0.66 3 10^5 = 2 10^5

Time to travel one way = 6000km/(2 10^5) = 30 ms

Round trip time = 30 2 = 60 ms

60 ms is the actual limit for a generic response, you can add an extra 25 ms for conversions and delays.

Therefore, 85 ms should be the ideal number to achieve.

Typical response time (Typical Response time) is related to many factors, which can be mentioned as follows:

Latency (85 ms – calculated number above)

Connection Initialisation

DNS resolution

Backend query

Download content

You can try different methods to reduce each of the time components in the analysis factors above.

For example, server-level caching (in-memory database) will reduce query time, using compression (gzip) will reduce content download time, not calling multiple APIs per image, you can use image map CSS to do this. But the most important thing is still to take care of the most influential factor: Reducing server response time.


Factors Affecting The Response Time Of The Machine

Poor Web Hosting

A web host using outdated hardware/software will result in slower response times for users. Plus, even if your service provider is now offering state-of-the-art equipment, there are plenty of options for different types of hosting.

Usually, web hosting providers (at a minimum) will have the following options: shared hosting, VPS, and dedicated hosting.

Increased Traffic

Increased traffic means more resources are being used. Therefore, if the maximum server limit is reached, your visitors will have to have a slow browsing experience that makes them very unhappy. Even worse you will encounter error codes as the bandwidth limit is exceeded.

Bloated Webpages

Websites can become quite cumbersome if optimizations are not done. Or implemented but not appropriate. For example, the image size is too large, the image is not responsive, CSS/JS file is not minified…

Lack Of Cache

The cache is an extremely important step in delivering content more quickly to users. Therefore, a shortage of counting memory will create unnecessary waiting time. Because the browser has to request a resource from the main server each time it receives a request.

Instead of accessing them from local caches or intermediate caches, it shortens the physical distance between the server and the user.

Read more: How To Write Content On The Website To Increase Purchase Contact?

How To Fix Server Response Time?

Choose A Reputable And Quality Server Provider

If you are experiencing speed-related issues in the performance of your website, it may be time to upgrade your hosting plan or change your web service provider right away.

It is a fact that the cheaper something is, the worse it is. Try to stay away from the cheapest web hosting providers. Because later on, paying this “cheapest” cost will make you experience the “cheapest” website performance. Not to mention the care and technical support services when you have trouble during use! Don’t sacrifice quality for the sake of price.

In case you are using a shared hosting service (meaning you are sharing server resources with other websites), it is time to upgrade to a VPS server or a dedicated server. dedicated server (depending on your needs).


Compress, Minify, Optimize, And Cache

Cache improves server response time very effectively. Because HTML documents are accessed much faster.

If you use WordPress, consider using a caching plugin like Cache Enabler. A caching plugin will generate a static HTML file instead of loading all your website content.

Furthermore, you should take advantage of the CDN to introduce a more advanced caching strategy after the HTML document has loaded and you need to load other static resources as well.

Once you have a strategy for caching resources, compressing the data using methods like Gzip or Brotli, minifying CSS, JS, and HTML, and optimizing images are the next steps. extremely important to do.

Web Server Optimization Web

Not everyone is comfortable optimizing their own web server. However, you must ensure that the server is fully optimized. This will greatly reduce the server response time.

There are several options available in the selection of server software. And most users choose to use Apache or Nginx. Each web server has its own pros and cons. With Nginx that is the ability to provide a better performance in most cases.

Finally, no matter what server software you’re using, it’s still important to configure it so that expiration rules can be defined. For example, this is the case with browser caching.


Improved Database Performance

In addition to the recommendations mentioned above, optimizing the performance of the database plays a vital role in efforts for reducing severe response time.

There are quite a few different ways to optimize database performance. Like: rewrite your queries to prioritize performance, change your schema to group objects, and use indexes…


In short, if your server response time or TTFB exceeds 200 ms. It’s time to seriously rethink your stacks and start doing something to bring this number down. The faster the server response time, the longer users will definitely stay on your site and of course, the bounce rate will also decrease.

Take the suggestions in this article right away and implement them into your website to start improving your server response time!

Thank you for watching!

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