The FASTEST Way To MAKE MONEY Online in 2020

The FASTEST Way To MAKE MONEY Online in 2020


Hey everybody, this is Roberto Blake, helping you create something awesome today.

So we’re gonna be talking about the fastest way to make money online. I know right now that many of you are in a tight spot.

I remember exactly what it was like to always be stressed, to be broke, to not have enough money. Trust me, when I was broke, and I mean broke, this is back when like $5 was a lot of gas money.

And I still didn’t have it. I actually might still owe some of my friends money, now that I think about it. If you guys are watching, just let me know.

I’ll pay you back; I promise. So yeah, today, we’re gonna talk about the fastest ways to make money online. Specifically, I believe that one of the fastest ways to make money online is not going to be scammy, multilevel marketing schemes. Ah nope!

We’re not gonna do that. I don’t even believe the fastest way to make money online is to start a YouTube channel or become an influencer. In fact, that’s one of the slowest ways to make money online.

So what is one of the fastest ways to make money online? Well, freelancing. Freelancing is one of the fastest ways to make money online.

And there are also several websites, that if you aren’t particularly skilled at writing or video editing, graphic design, or voice acting, guess what?

There are other gig-like websites where you can do very simple tasks, in fact, I made a video with 10 websites where you can make money online.

I’m gonna link that in the description so you guys can check that out after this video. I’m also gonna link it in the info card up here on YouTube if you’re watching this on YouTube.


Now when it comes to freelancing, basically, you’re taking the skills that you would do at a job, and you’re actually going directly to the market yourself.

And the difference is, once the job is completed, you get paid and that’s a big difference instead of waiting two weeks and living paycheck to paycheck.

You can actually make money, pretty much every day if you want to and that’s where the speed comes in. And this is why I call it the fastest way to make money online, in my opinion, because of the simple fact that it’s transaction-based, and you can go ahead and do a job and be paid for it.

And that happens, in many cases, right away. Now I realize, this is not stable, steady employment. But you know what, I think that right now, right at this moment, when you’re watching this, you’ve probably seen that there’s no such thing as a stable, reliable job. It doesn’t exist. You know, it’s 2020.

Can we go ahead and let that myth die? I think it’s time. And of course, because this is 2020, I just want people to know that none of my bad jokes are meant as a criticism or to shame anyone who works a regular, nine-to-five job.

I actually used to work a nine-to-five job, once upon a time in a cubicle. I know exactly what it’s like. When I was a teenager and in my 20s, I used to work at the mall.

So it’s not as if I’m not sympathetic, or I don’t understand, but what I really do want people to realize at this very special moment in time, is that the things that you’ve been taught are reliable, were never really reliable, and they’re more vulnerable than you think.

And I would like for more of you to get sanity and stability in your life by being able to do things on your own, independently, and just take a little bit more control of your life, and more importantly, at least in my opinion, control over your finances.

Control over your income is going to make you happier. It’s going to make you saner. It is going to eliminate a lot of the insecurities that you might have and that was at least true for me.

Now with freelancing, again, sometimes you need special skills, I learned a lot of different computer software. I learned Adobe software.

I had some other skills, obviously. Writing, graphic design, photo editing, and video editing, there were a lot of things that I could do that most people could not do.

Now you may not have those skills. You could take some of the time to learn them, free on the internet. I’ve done tutorials on a lot of these things here on the channel.

There are over 1000 videos here with different types of training and tutorials and it’s all free. There are also websites like Skillshare, and a lot of them have free courses. And some of it’s paid.

If you want to get a trial of Skillshare, I’m gonna link to that in the description down below for you guys that an affiliate link.

But, if you don’t have the time to learn a skill, or you don’t have a particular skill set, and you want to make some money online pretty quickly, then the next thing I could tell you about is affiliate marketing.

Now affiliate marketing is probably the fastest way to make passive income online, but I don’t think it’s necessarily faster than freelancing.

The one thing is that with freelancing, you may or may not get clients. So I can understand how that can be daunting to people or can be discouraging, like what do you do?

That’s why I made an entire video that actually teaches you how to get started with freelancing and how to find your first clients.

So I’m gonna link to that video here in the info card on YouTube if you’re watching it here, and I’m also gonna link to it in the description down below.

And I post this kind of content pretty regularly. Now with affiliate marketing, you actually can get started pretty easily. Most people do with Amazon. And I know there are a lot of people who fail at affiliate marketing.

I’ve been really successful at it. I think I might be doing close to six figures in affiliate marketing a year now. I’d have to double-check, but if it’s not exactly six figures, it’s really close.

My best affiliate program pays about five, $6000 a month on average. My next one after that usually is between 1500 and 2000, and then the next one is a 1000 and it just keeps going and trickling down after that.

I probably have a good solid 15 different affiliate programs that I promote at any given time. And they earn hundreds to thousands of dollars.

But I wasn’t able to do that overnight. If you want to make passive income, if you want to make money in your sleep, it’s not gonna happen overnight. I keep stressing about it.

I don’t know what people are telling you and I don’t know what gimmicks or get-rich-quick schemes people are doing, the only method I know (laughs) is the slow and steady, consistent, painful agony of showing up every day, and eventually, it just all adds up.

And in my case, I feel it works kind of like compound interest in the stock market. So what I mean by that is this. When you do affiliate marketing, your basically doing commission sales.

It’s really not that different than what real estate agents and car salespeople do. So what happens with affiliate marketing is that in Amazon, you get a two to 8% split.

If you do software and service stuff, you could get 20, 30, or even 50%. And so that’s why I like affiliate marketing. The other thing is that, once you have content and an audience, affiliate marketing can really become passive.

It can become automated. And this is the reason I like to call passive income, automated income because what we’re doing is we’re using the tools and services on the internet, to build automation.

So it can do the work for us. I want people to start understanding the concept of you know, leverage versus labor.

And the thing is, when we have automation, when we have systems, when we have tools, when we have employees, we can leverage those things to start making us money, whether or not we’re putting in labor or not anymore after we do it upfront.

So with freelancing, you’re gonna be doing active income. And you’re still gonna have to trade time outright in order to make money in terms of producing a result.

But with freelancing, don’t worry about being paid by the hour. Don’t charge by the hour. Charge for the results, the outcome that you produce.

That’s why it’s gig work. You do the gig. You get your fee. So charge a fee. Flat fees are the best way to be a freelancer, and I talk about this a lot because I want people to move away from trading time for money.

I did a whole dedicated video about how I stopped trading time for money, and it resulted in me being able to make passive income.

It resulted in me being able to have a six-figure income. And it’s because I realized the limitations of how many hours you have, how many waking hours in a day, and also how little people value our time.

No one values our time. They value the results that we produce. And the thing is, if you trade your time, no matter how good of an hourly wage you think you’re getting, you’re disincentivized from being as productive and as fast as you possibly can be because you have to keep putting hours in the clock in order to make more money.

But if you just charge for the results, you’re rewarded for getting fast because you can just do more work and earn more money.

So it’s better to be paid by the result instead of by the hour. And this is something I’m trying to teach more people. And if it’s something you’re more interested in learning, I hope you subscribe to the YouTube channel.

Hit the like button so YouTube actually shows you the videos and just in case, turn on notifications. But yeah, freelancing and affiliate marketing are the two fastest ways for most people to make money online.

I wanna really quickly address the fact that most people do fail at these things.

Most people fail at a lot of things and that’s why most people just go ahead and they get a regular, traditional job instead of going directly to the market and keeping probably the majority of the revenue from the value that they created.

The reason that I liked these things is that in most of the affiliate programs I’m in, I get 30 or 50%. I’ve never worked at a job where 30 or 50% of the outcome that I produced ever came back to me.

And if you’re watching this, that’s probably not true for you either. Most of you probably don’t get 10, 20, or 30% of what you produced for the company.

And so why do we not do that? We use the company as the middleman because well if we have to go direct to the market, we have to be responsible for everything.

We have to find clients. have to find relationships, have to produce things, have to have all the tools and resources.

The job usually provides those things and that’s why everyone doesn’t do this because everyone’s not in a position to do it. And everybody’s not ready to do it.

The reality is that it’s hard because you won’t be successful right away and there are a lot of easier things you could do, like get a regular job. You understand how that works.

So it’s just easier for most people. And since there is an easier alternative, most people give up, get discouraged, and don’t have the discipline to see it through.

Now I want you guys to be successful. So I’m gonna tell you what I feel is one of the best pieces of advice I can give you if you wanna be a freelancer and get clients, and then I’m gonna tell you one of the best pieces of advice for making those first affiliate sales, especially in Amazon.

So that you can make some upfront money right away. And a lot of people, don’t give that information just straight up. I’m going to, but I also have detailed, individual videos on this. So I’m gonna link to those in the description.

One of my most important videos is actually about how you can make $100 a day with affiliate marketing. And it kind of walks you, step-by-step, through the things I had to learn and the systems I had to put in place to make that happen.

I would say that you can do affiliate marketing be successful if you want to be somebody who can build an audience, or who might have the gift of gab, or if you’re really good at making content, whether that’s vlogs, podcasts, live streams, or videos on the internet, videos on YouTube, then you can be very successful with affiliate marketing.

If you are not somebody who thinks they can grow an audience or you think that’s too slow, and you need money upfront, very quickly, in less than 30 days, I’m going to recommend that you do freelancing and you get clients.

And so, as I said, I’ll have some videos on that link in the description and the info card as well. But let’s get into these really quick tips to make you successful.

The first quick tip when it comes to freelancing if you wanna make money right away is to look at easy enough to do tasks that pay well.

If you go to a website like Fiverr, Upwork, or Freelancer, I would look for the best-paying jobs, just sort them by price and figure out what the best-paying gigs are, then I would figure out whether or not you’re good at any of those things.

And then if you are good at those things, I would start trying to put together a portfolio and show a body of work. Maybe work on a project independently once a week.

Or you can find some people you can work for free upfront, so you can have some references and so you can build that portfolio.

The next thing I would do is I would reach out to people that I know personally, either a former co-worker, friends and family, just whoever you can and then I would show them your body of work, and then if they don’t have any work to offer you, make sure they’re putting out feelers for you so that you always have people who are talking you up and are recommending you.

Use the network you already have. Other than that, just make sure you’re putting your portfolio out there. Maybe even build yourself a website.

Learn a little bit about search engine optimization, and SEO.

Something we talk about here in the channel. And then maybe you’ll be able to have people find you. So I would use these websites.

I would set up profiles on social media. Show off your work. And get the word of mouth going in your favor. As I said, I have a dedicated video on finding clients as a freelancer.

If you need more details, I also talk about how to get local clients. Not just clients from the internet. When it comes to affiliate marketing, most people fail and most people don’t know how to get people to buy from them.

And so the simple answer, at least in my opinion, is if you wanna start with Amazon, since it’s accessible to almost everybody, and it’s the one we’re all most familiar with, is don’t get them to pay for anything.

Use the free trials on Amazon. And make money off of those free commission bounties. So a lot of you probably don’t realize, that Amazon pays people to get people to sign up for their services, and the thing is even a free trial does pay you out.

Audible, for example, pays you $5 for everybody who signs up for free. So you can just recommend some audiobooks and people get two audiobooks for free when they sign up and you know, it’s up to them to cancel or not.

If they cancel, they actually get to keep the two books for free forever, so that is definitely worth it, and since it cost them zero dollars, most people are willing to do that.

So if you can just get people to get a free trial of Audible, you’ll make a commission of five to $10 from that and so you’ll start making those Amazon sales you need to stay in the program.

As I said, I did a dedicated video about Amazon affiliate marketing. This is my favorite hack because when you know, I mean five bucks doesn’t seem like a lot. But think about it, it’s free.

You can get a lot of people to sign up for free, that $5 adds up every time. And so, it’s worth it for you to start doing book reviews.

It’s worth it for you to start making recommendations. It’s worth it for you to start a book club, and you can do that. Also, Kindle Unlimited has a $3 bounty commission and there are other bounty commission programs like Amazon Prime, for people who want deliveries, et cetera et cetera.

And so I’m gonna give you my links for those things in the description down below and I’m gonna recommend that you check out two free audiobooks.

I think the ones I’m gonna recommend for you are the “$100 Startup” and also, “I Will Teach You To Be Rich.” these are two of my favorites. I obviously have a lot of books that I read.

And so I think these are really good for you guys if you are trying to make more money. So you can get free two books forever if you use my link down below.

And see, I just showed you how easy that is and how you can do that. And so for a lot of you, you need to take advantage of free trial offers that pay out a bounty.

The other thing I would tell you is if you’re gonna recommend something, make sure you can back up that recommendation.

A lot of times, I recommend the camera gear that I use for this YouTube channel, guess what? People can see the results of how crisp and sharp, how good this is, how good the lighting is all that stuff.

So they actually want to know what I’m using. You need to think about whether or not you can create interest in the things that you’re promoting and whether you legitimately can recommend them.

I think that you need to do affiliate marketing authentically or not all. And so, there you go, the fastest ways to make money online.

At least, in my opinion, the fastest way to make an active income, freelancing. The fastest way to make passive income is to do affiliate marketing.

Question of the day. (bell dings) What do you think is more suited to you, in terms of making money online?

Are you gonna go down the path of affiliate marketing, building an audience and recommending products to them or are you going to get on that freelance hustle and be part of the gig economy and leverage your skills?

I’d actually love to know, which one of these you’re more interested in. So I’m also going to run a poll up here. But I wanna hear from you in the comment section down below.

And of course, please share this video with anybody that you know right now who could use making some extra money, just making a few extra bucks.

As always, you guys, thanks so very much for reading, and don’t forget, go out there and create something awesome today.

Take care.

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