Onpage SEO And What You Need To Know About SEO Title Tags

SEO onpage includes the work of building and consolidating the ranking of the website on the search page. To do SEO onpage well, let’s find out about title tags and ways to optimize them!

SEO onpage includes the work of building and consolidating the ranking of the website on the search page.

To make SEO onpage well, we need to implement SEO techniques on all the factors that appear on our website including SEO keyword selection, content building, building a backlinks system, optimizing the tag type, etc. In this article, let’s learn about SEO title tags and how to optimize them!

Onpage SEO And What You Need To Know About SEO Title Tags

What is the SEO title tag in onpage SEO?

Title Tags are part of the HTML code system of a web page. They are often used to let both search engines and people know what the page is about. Each page has only one title tag, and they often appear as code:


<title> Hudareview – Help You Make Better Decisions </title?


Where will the title tag appear when doing onpage SEO?

Typically, the title tag will appear in 4 positions:

Tab name in a web browser

The title tag can be seen on the web browser when you visit the page with a new tab. Optimizing SEO Title Tags is especially useful when users open multiple tabs at the same time and want to return to a certain page.

For this reason, the title tag for onpage SEO needs to be unique and easy to recognize, completely different from the others.

Bookmarks on the web browser

Bookmarks on the Chrome browser will be displayed by default on the title of the page unless the user intentionally changes them. Because of the limited area, the title will not show completely when appearing in the bookmarks bar, this is also why you should put title tags concise and concise.

Headlines appear via social shares

You know the little description lines that show up in posts on Facebook and Twitter when someone shares a link? Your title tags will also show up in these positions.

From there, users will know what your site is about and they will be able to expect to find what types of content by clicking the link to your site. It can be said that if you can create attractive title tags for onpage SEO, it will definitely help you attract more visitors.

Some social networking sites will allow you to customize the title tag specifically for that page’s appearance. If you build a website on WordPress, you can customize the Title Tag with available plugins like Yoast or All-in-One SEO Pack.

All you need to do is download these plugins. They do not require any complicated setup and are guaranteed to be displayed when someone shares your link.

The result title appears on SERPs search results pages

SERPs (Search Engine Result Page) on search engines like Google, Bing, Safari, Yahoo, etc. is the most important display position for any onpage SEO. The title tag now displays as large blue text with links to the landing page, they appear above the meta description or summary.

When someone finds your website, search queries with SEO keywords that are relevant to you. The title tag is the first factor that impresses the user if you do it right. You’re complete can convince them to click on their website only with SEO optimization onpage title tags.

Onpage SEO And What You Need To Know About SEO Title Tags

Why is the title tag important in onpage SEO?

You may have heard some sources say that Title tags were an outdated element on onpage 4.0 SEO, but that’s not the case.

While we can’t deny that the title tag’s role is now less important than it used to be, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we should ignore it. Let’s take a look at a few reasons why title tags are still important.

Title tags influence the ranking of onpage SEO keywords

Referring to onpage SEO, it is difficult for anyone who confidently asserts that they do not want the keyword to rank. The question is whether we need to insert the keyword into the title tag. The short answer is YES, but keywords alone are not enough.

According to research by Ahrefs and Matthew Barby, the use of SEO keywords in the Title Tag has an effect on page rankings on search engines, but this is not the only influencing factor.

Click-through rate (CTR) of onpage SEO projects

Controversy persists over whether CTR is a factor that influences a site’s ranking. Although these controversies continue and the official answer has not been agreed upon yet, we cannot deny that CTR improvement will certainly positively impact onpage SEO and increase the natural traffic of the webpage.

Onpage SEO is much more effective when the keyword is in the top position

When you look at things from a user perspective, you’ll understand why you have the background so that the keywords appear at the top of the title tags.

User behavior studies indicate that keyword results that appear at the top of a title are more likely to get clicks. However, this does not mean that your keywords must be at the beginning of the sentence.

Because you optimize the title tag for users, not for search engines, so do not insert too many keywords in title tags. Many times we come across headlines like this: “SEO Services | SEO Google Top 1 | Quality SEO company ”. You should not use title tags of this type for the following three reasons:

Inserting multiple keywords is not required

Google’s algorithms are becoming more and more complex than before, in which the Hummingbird algorithm has been specifically designed to understand the content posted to the Internet at an advanced level.

This means they can understand the variations and synonyms of the SEO keywords you choose. So inserting many of the same keywords in the title tag will not help your SEO onpage.

Each page should serve only 1 main keyword

Although there are still some approved cases (super authoritative websites), you should only focus on optimizing 1 main keyword for each page, especially for new websites, this is necessary and should do.

Losing the factors that attract user clicks

There are always a few onpage SEO tips for creating headlines that appeal to users, such as using numbers or placing headlines as questions. Inserting too many SEO keywords into the Title Tag will reduce the ability to use these heading techniques, thereby reducing the ability to attract users.

Onpage SEO And What You Need To Know About SEO Title Tags

Title length is also important when doing onpage SEO

Typically, Google will display about 50-60 characters of the title tag. If you set a title less than 60 characters long, you will be guaranteed that up to 90% of your title tags will be displayed as you want (for example, not truncated).

However, the 60 character number is relative, the exact limit is relatively complex and depends on the 600-pixel frame. This, plus the size of some characters will be more than others resulting in the number of characters displayed in each title being different.

All we can recommend when doing onpage SEO is to optimize the title tag with about 60 characters and do not write the title in capital letters.

Onpage SEO is about creating title tags for users, not for Google

One of the most common mistakes when doing on-page SEO is to focus too much on the search engines, while new users are the main users of websites. So it’s important to consider how your title tag will affect and impact users.

Title tags are the bridge that creates the first interaction between your site visitors and your brand, so they should accurately convey the spirit of your site.

Thank You For Reading!

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