How Does The Marketing Agency Use Influencer On Instagram For Advertising?

Only 33% of customers believe in an ad, while 90% of customers believe that referrals from influential people are the era of Influencer marketing. Let’s learn about Instagram influencers!

The world of marketing agencies is constantly changing day by day and we should know about those changes if we want to take advantage of this industry.

Marketing agency experts realized that shoppers’ buying behavior has changed dramatically, with only 33% of shoppers relying on advertising, while the number spent on Referrals from influencers is up to 90%.

This change leads us to the era of marketing by Influencers. With this article, I hope to give you an overview of the combination of advertising agencies and Influencers on Instagram.

How Does The Marketing Agency Use Influencer On Instagram For Advertising

Who is Instagram Influencer? How do marketing agencies use them?

An influencer is a term to refer to those who build a large number of followers and have a long-term presence on social networking sites.

The influencer’s followers can come from a variety of reasons, most of them being “idolized” about a certain aspect of life (lifestyle, work, hobbies, appearance, style of dress).

Or the story they tell is interesting to the public, or the opinion or viewpoint that they attract and agree with from many people.

The Influencer community is expanding in both quantity and variety, and this opens up more opportunities for any brand that wants to use Instagram Influencer for marketing campaigns.

Moreover, the decentralization in the Influencer community also helps marketing agencies better orient, filter, and target potential customers.

Why has the marketing agency preferred Influencer recently?

Influencer marketing allows brands and marketing agencies to reach their target audience in a way that feels more authentic than traditional advertising.

Instead of businesses marketing directly to consumers, they build relationships with influencers who can sell to them. Influencers on Instagram have strong and engaging relationships with their followers. Because they share many aspects of their lives with people and this attracts a certain number of interested people.

This leads to the audience feeling like they have a better understanding of the Influencer, so when an influential person wants to recommend something. It will be easier for the public to listen to and accept the product.

When did the marketing agency start using Influencer?

In the early days, when Instagram Influencer marketing was still an obscure concept and the market was still open.

We witnessed the most primitive cooperation between Instagram users and brands when they give celebrities their products as a gift, in return, the influencer will take, post pictures, and give reviews and product recommendations on their site. B

ut the rapid growth of the marketing world has pushed things further, Influencer at the moment is much more active than before in searching for marketing agencies or brands to have the opportunity to cooperate, in exchange for expenses instead of just free products or gifts as before.

The current situation of marketing agencies operating in the Influencer field

Rated as a $2 billion industry, Instagram influencer marketing is rampant in the world of social media with the power of a storm. More than 800 active users have turned Instagram into a promising land of a golden ticket to take you to the land of the most potential customers.

72% of users said they made purchases of fashion, beauty, or lifestyle products when they saw their Instagram posts demonstrate the power of this social networking platform in the context of today’s technical marketing service.

In recent years, Instagram users across the globe have begun to familiarize themselves with paid posts. Or more generally, advertising campaigns combining brands/marketing agencies and celebrities, opening up fair competition opportunities for most businesses.

Marketing Agency + Instagram Influencer = Billion-dollar industry in the near future

The platform provides the perfect space for brand ambassadors – powerful users to showcase their products and services to their own loyal audiences.

Expected to reach a milestone of $5-10 billion in 2020, it is clear that this is an opportunity for marketing agencies to reach any customer you desire.

The remarkable development of advertising activities related to Influencer Marketing, followed by the launch of a series of technology platforms that link brands and influencers to the marketing and advertising industry. Will they make marketing agencies become “disgraced”?

How Does The Marketing Agency Use Influencer On Instagram For Advertising

What is the important factors marketing agency should keep in mind when collaborating with Influencer?

The amount an influencer can charge for each post will vary depending on a number of factors including the number of followers they own.

The percentage of engagement received and the industry in which they operate. Among these factors, engagement rate is a very important indicator and marketing agencies should really consider it when choosing Influencer because it ensures that they are really interested in followers and have influence through the posts.

The interaction rate is calculated by dividing the number of likes and comments divided by the total number of followers and ideally reached 10-20%.

Another important indicator of a good influencer is that they should be responsible for their cooperation choices, really consider their followers for their interests and make sure they only follow their posts that are sponsored by brands they believe their audience will engage with.

Solutions to use Influencer for marketing agencies and brands

In general, the more followers, the greater the amount of interaction, and the more successful a campaign is. That is why many brands decide to collaborate with famous artists. However, the price to pay for stars is not small and this seems too much for small and medium businesses.

From here, we have another extremely potential strategy: using the Micro-Influencer – people with higher followers than ordinary people but lower than famous stars.

Despite the low number of followers, the interaction rates of these people are quite high and suitable to attract certain groups of customers.

This is a much more cost-effective option for small businesses and marketing agencies, and it is also more effective for influencers for specific audiences.

When you have a bigger budget, you can think about the more influential people, but try not to be fooled by frivolous metrics like the number of followers and focus on interaction rates.

To reach these Micro-Influencers, brands need a lot of time to research the market and select. So we suggest hiring marketing agencies for these because obviously, they have a lot of experience and expertise to select the most potential candidates.

What should the marketing agency do to collaborate effectively with the Influencer?

Once you’ve found the people you think are the perfect choice for your campaign, do a little research to make sure they have real followers (not virtual followers) and a loyal, trustworthy community.

See if they previously worked with big, influential brands/marketing agencies and looked at the types of products or brands they promoted. This will help you make sure they are right for your company.

Next, read their comments to see if that Influence audience demographic is relevant to your goals, interacting with your core content. And finally, check out the type of posts they are most outstanding at (for example, regular posts, stories, videos, image gallery posts) for their style.

Thank You For Reading!


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