Ebook Cash Review: Mammoth collection of DFY eBooks in multiple niches

Ebook Cash Review


Ebook Cash Review- The introduction

If you’re selling a product or service, then using “bonuses” can be a valuable way to convert more people into paying customers for your biz. Bonuses are a great way of ‘sweetening the deal’ while launching and a good bonus can create a sense of urgency for greater conversion.

But you cannot keep coming up with new ideas for bonuses, especially if you’re new to affiliate marketing.  It’s hard work, to say the least, and can drive you crazy trying to produce fresh bonuses for each promotion.

In this special review I am bringing today, you will be discovering 350 bonuses that you can use straight out of the box, to literally explode your affiliate commissions on every affiliate promotion you do. This massive package comes by the name Ebook Cash.

So you can see the enormous potential you have at your fingertips here!

Ebook Cash Overview



Trevor Carr


Ebook Cash

Front-End Price

$11 – $13 one-time payment

Sales page https://www.phlos.net/ebook-cash-sales-fe/



Yes, Huge Bonuses from the creator team and my HudaReview team


30-day money-back guarantee

What is this product about?

Ebook Cash is a collection of quality Ebooks in all the most lucrative niches, complete with full PLR which you can edit, add your name to, and sell for any price you want and keep 100% of the profits.

Ebook Cash Review- About its creator


This product is created by Trevor Carr. He is a talented person who has many years of experience, serviced hundreds of clients in a wide variety of niches. He has been through the ups and downs while certainly learning a thing or two along the way.

Here are some of his successful previous launches that you may have heard of: The Affiliate Directive, RankVault, Giant Ebook Kit, Crypto Profit Kit, Xmissions, Divine, and more.

What can you get access to inside this package?

Here’s what you get with Ebook Cash:

  • 350 Ebooks with PLR & MRR Rights, and we cover all the most profitable niches including health, wealth, dating, and many more. There are also sub-niches such as weight loss, making money online, content creation, dating, etc.
  • The Ebooks come with MRR (Master Resale Rights) and full PLR ( private label rights) meaning you can do whatever you want with them, edit them, sell them, use them as they’re, etc, so here you’re in full control.
  • This is the easiest way to have your own product to sell. It’s a fact, in order to make money online you need to have your own product or service to sell, if you don’t have one, you don’t have a business and now you can get 350 Ebooks that you can turn into products and make money online (so act fast).
  • With Ebook Cash, the goal is to save your time and money – and also make you huge profits. For that reason, they only have the most profitable niches and also they’re all very easy to edit, use or sell.





Why should you grab this opportunity right away?

And with so many niches covered, including Health & Wellness, MMO (Make Money Online), and Dating, you’ll be ahead of the game from the start, and can take full advantage to cash in big time. And because it covers all the major profitable, high-converting niches inside this super product, you can also diversify and choose high-paying offers to promote on sites like CLICKBANK, or even high-paying CPA offers.

Let’s see what other people are saying about this excellent package:


Ebook Cash Review- Price and the evaluation

The front-end price

Ebook Cash is being offered with a one-off payment in this special launch of only $13. However, they plan to switch to a recurring membership in the future, when new customers will pay those monthly fees for the software use.

With this amazing launching at such a low price, and with so many eBooks, it actually means you’re paying less than half a cent each. Never before has an offer of this magnitude, and with this amount of earning potential been made available in this industry.


Note: You could purchase Ebook Cash at a discounted price of $11 by clicking on the opt-in button like this:


The funnels

Besides the main product offer, Mr. Trevor Carr and his team provide some more upgrades below, you can choose any upgrade that you think will help you improve your own business and earn money from them.

After you finish payment of the main offer (FE), you will be automatically redirected to the OTO1 –> OTO2 –>  OTO3 –> OTO4, let’s check them one by one. There is NO all-in-one bundle offer with this launch.

Ebook Cash OTO1:  10X YOUR RESULTS – $37 (one-time payment)

The sales page: https://www.phlos.net/ebook-cash-sales-oto1/

(Note: Please make sure that you click on my front-end sales page before clicking this OTO’s link to be qualified for my great bonus packages at the end of this Ebook Cash review).

Ebook Cash OTO2:  MILLION DOLLAR SECRETS – $47 (one-time payment)

The sales page: https://www.phlos.net/ebook-cash-sales-oto2/

Ebook Cash OTO3:  UNLIMITED RESELLER – $97 (one-time payment)

The sales page: https://www.phlos.net/ebook-cash-sales-oto3/

Ebook Cash OTO4:  COACHING UPGRADE – $47 (one-time payment)

The sales page: https://www.phlos.net/ebook-cash-sales-oto4/

Ebook Cash Review- Pros and Cons


  • Get instant access to 350 eBooks with PLR/MRR rights – this is the biggest collection ever seen in our market.
  • You can edit them, add your own name, and turn them into products and bank huge profits.
  • The most profitable niches, from health & wellness to making money online, lifestyle dating, and much more.
  • This has to be the easiest way to have a stream of your own fresh products and launch them to the world.
  • Save thousands of hours and thousands of dollars that you would normally spend creating your own products.
  • Edit them or just use them as they are.
  • Full private label rights (PLR) and MRR (master resell rights) are included!
  • 30-day money-back guarantee.


I have nothing negative to say about this product.

Who should buy this software?

Ebook Cash is ideal for all walks of web life:

  • Email marketers
  • Affiliate marketers
  • E-com store owners
  • Social media marketers
  • Video marketers
  • Bloggers & vloggers
  • Small business owners
  • Product coaches/trainers
  • And almost every business owner out there looking to grow & take their business to the next level

The conclusion

And final words, this is your chance to buy a make-money-online product with tangible value! you get 350 “assets” that you own and can sell as many times as you want for as much as you want. Are you ready to explode your affiliate commissions overnight?




01st Mega Pack:

10 Beautiful Themes For Different Business Types

02nd Mega Pack:

Graphics Elements For Versatile Usage

03rd Mega Pack:

The Video Tools

04th Mega Pack:

The Social Media Marketing Suite

05th Mega Pack:

The Social Traffic Apps

06th Mega Pack:

The Health, Diet, and Lifestyle Ebooks With PLR

07th Mega Pack:

The PLR Products With Personal Development Content

Moreover, if you purchase at least 1 OTO/Upsell, you will get all bonus packages below:

New Bonus Package #5: Amazing WordPress Plugins With PLR

New Bonus Package #4: Materials To Grow Your Online Business

Bonus Package #3: Traffic Solution

Bonus Package #2: Doodle Assets Kit

New Bonus Package #1: Online Marketing Toolkit


Step 1: Buy Ebook Cash on my website


Step 2After completing the transaction, forward the receipt to my email at [email protected]

Final step 3: You will receive the bonuses within 24 hours.

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