Done-for-you Kindergarten Curriculum review: It comes with FULL PLR!

Welcome to my Done-for-you Kindergarten Curriculum review…


If you are searching for more information about this product, you should check my full review to the end. Don’t miss my exclusive bonus packages for your purchase.

Let’s go!

Done-for-you Kindergarten Curriculum review- The product overview


Diana Heuser and Simone Heuser


Done-for-You Kindergarten Curriculum Print PLR

The official page

>>>Click here to access

Front-end price

$27 (one-time payment)


Yes, Huge Bonus

Vendor’s support


What is this product?

The Done-for-You Kindergarten Curriculum is a comprehensive, all-in-one package offering a full year of engaging, ready-to-use lessons in reading, math, science, social studies, and art.

Ideal for educators and content creators, this curriculum streamlines planning and preparation, ensuring the delivery of high-quality, structured educational materials. All source files are provided in PowerPoint format.

The DFY Kindergarten Curriculum is a product rooted in 20 years of combined teaching experience from Simone and Diana. They will guide you step-by-step in creating content for the kindergarten niche, ensuring you feel supported and confident.

When purchasing a PLR (Private Label Rights) product like the Done-for-You Kindergarten Curriculum, customers gain certain rights and limitations regarding its usage:

What customers CAN do with the PLR:

  • Customize Content: Customers can modify, edit, and personalize the content to suit their specific needs and preferences. This includes adding their branding, incorporating additional materials, or adapting the content to align with different teaching methodologies.

  • Use for Commercial Purposes: Customers are allowed to use the PLR content for commercial purposes, such as selling the curriculum to other educators or incorporating it into their educational products or services.

  • Repackage and Resell: Customers have the option to repackage the PLR content and resell it as their product. This could involve bundling the curriculum with other educational resources or creating themed packages tailored to different educational niches.

  • Offer as Freebies or Bonuses: Customers can offer portions of the PLR content as freebies or bonuses to their audience as part of promotional campaigns or to incentivize purchases of other products or services.

What customers CANNOT do with the PLR:

  • Claim Authorship: Customers cannot claim sole authorship or ownership of the PLR content. While they can modify and customize the material, they must acknowledge the original creators (Simone and Diana) and the source of the content.

  • Share or Distribute Unmodified Content: Customers are prohibited from sharing or distributing the PLR content in its original, unmodified form. This helps protect the integrity of the product and ensures that customers add value through customization and personalization.

  • Violate Copyright Laws: Customers cannot use the PLR content in a way that infringes upon copyright laws or violates intellectual property rights. This includes reproducing significant portions of the content without proper attribution or permission.

  • Resell PLR Rights: Customers cannot resell the PLR rights themselves. While they can resell the customized content or products derived from the PLR, they cannot sell the rights to others to use the content as PLR.

Understanding these rights and limitations helps customers make the most of their PLR investment while respecting the original creators and maintaining legal compliance.

Done-for-You Kindergarten Curriculum review- About the authors

Diana-Heuser Simone-Heuser

Diana Heuser and Simone Heuser are the creators of this Done-for-You Kindergarten Curriculum.

They have been a well-reputed local business consultant since 2004, whose sales record features many top-quality products and services. Thus, it comes as no surprise that they easily earn 6 figure monthly income.

This time, they have come together to launch this new product. I am confident that you will love it and that you can learn a lot from it.

What will you get from this package?

Let me show you some main features that you will get if you purchase this Done-for-You Kindergarten Curriculum today:

  • A curriculum designed to help you create kindergarten content at scale.
  • Curated by a teacher with 20+ years of experience. So you know you have real experience on your team.
  • 1,400 templates are included for inspiration so you never get the dreaded creator’s block.
  • Get “Do What You Wish” PLR rights usage access to the assets included.
  • Create content in seven different subjects: math, language & literature, science, social studies, art, social and emotional development, and physical science.
  • Created with PowerPoint making it fully editable.
  • Build your passive income empire with confidence.

Let me take you through the details of the four terms of content:


That’s Not All!

DFY Kindergarten Curriculum covers 7 different subjects:

This is not a flimsy program offering just one subject. Instead, we go all in, providing everything you need across seven different subjects. This ensures you can create comprehensive content in the kindergarten niche for years to come.

Here’s a glimpse of the subjects covered…


About price & evaluation

FE: Done-for-you Kindergarten Curriculum Print PLR

The Done-for-You Kindergarten Curriculum is offered at an affordable, one-time payment of $27, making it an excellent investment for educators and content creators.

This pricing policy ensures that high-quality, comprehensive educational materials are accessible without the burden of ongoing costs or subscriptions.

By providing a complete year’s worth of engaging and expertly crafted lessons at a single, low price, Simone and Diana have made it easy for teachers to enhance their classroom experience without financial strain.

This approach reflects their commitment to supporting educators and fostering a love of learning in young students.



Done-for-you Kindergarten Curriculum review- The OTOs/Upsells

While the standard version is an excellent choice, these advanced plans offer additional features and solutions, making the Done-for-you Kindergarten Curriculum even more indispensable for your needs.

Next, I will list all the One-Time Offers (OTOs) available during this launch, alongside the main product. You can purchase any OTO that you believe will help you thrive. After completing the front-end payment, you will be automatically redirected to the sales page for these OTOs.

I’m confident that the products offered will exceed your expectations. Click on the sales page link for each OTO to get more details.

PLEASE NOTE: To qualify for my exclusive bonus packages at the end of this Done-for-you Kindergarten Curriculum review, make sure to click on my front-end sales page before accessing any OTO links.

OTO #1: Done-for-you Kindergarten Curriculum Digital PLR ($37)


Transform Your Business with the Interactive Digital Version of the Kindergarten Curriculum.

Who should purchase this package?

The Done-for-You Kindergarten Curriculum is ideal for a variety of individuals and institutions involved in early childhood education.

Kindergarten teachers looking for a structured, reliable, and engaging curriculum will find it particularly beneficial, as it saves time on lesson planning and preparation while ensuring high-quality instruction.

Homeschooling parents who want to provide their children with a comprehensive and well-rounded education will also appreciate the ease and effectiveness of this curriculum.

Additionally, educational content creators seeking ready-made, professional materials to enhance their offerings can use this curriculum to streamline their content creation process.

Schools and educational institutions aiming to implement a consistent and high-standard kindergarten program will also benefit from adopting this all-in-one solution.

Overall, anyone involved in teaching kindergarten students will find great value in this expertly designed and affordable curriculum.

The end

In conclusion, the Done-for-You Kindergarten Curriculum stands out as an invaluable resource for anyone involved in early childhood education.

Priced at a one-time payment of $27, it offers a full year of ready-to-use, engaging lessons in essential subjects, all meticulously crafted by experienced educators Simone and Diana.

This comprehensive package not only saves time and effort but also ensures a high-quality, structured educational experience for kindergarten students.

Whether you’re a teacher, homeschooling parent, or content creator, this curriculum provides the support and confidence needed to deliver exceptional education with ease.








4th Package:

5th Package:

Build a Video With Doodle Style










6th Package:


7th Package:


10th Package:

11th Package:

12th Package:



13th Package:

Moreover, if you purchase at least 1 OTO/Upsell, you will get all bonus packages below:

New Bonus Package #5: Amazing WordPress Plugins With PLR

New Bonus Package #4: Materials To Grow Your Online Business

Bonus Package #3: Traffic Solution

Bonus Package #2: Doodle Assets Kit

New Bonus Package #1: Online Marketing Toolkit


Step 1: Buy the Done-for-You Kindergarten Curriculum on my website:


Step 2After completing the transaction, forward the receipt to my email at [email protected]

Final step 3: You will receive the bonuses within 24 hours.


Thank you so much for reading my Done-for-You Kindergarten Curriculum review.

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